Mixing in a little fun
Business isn’t always seen as fun, but there’s no reason a conference cannot entertain – especially if it’s a dinner or celebration. However thrilling your conference programme appears to be, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to keep you guests spellbound for...

Organising the big event
Whether it’s a celebratory dinner, an AGM or a seminar, there are certain aspects everyone needs to consider when it comes to organising an event Over the course of this guide we’ve got a host of inspirational ideas on how to make sure your conference runs smoothly –...

Gastronomic delights
One important element that can make or break any event is the quality of food and drink. A memorable meal will stick in people’s minds as well as encouraging interaction. Whether you utilise the venue’s catering service or call in for outside help, it often helps to...

Business Centres
Event space alongside other valuable services is a reason many use business centres When it comes to specialising, business centres are certainly worth investigating. Used to serving a range of demanding clients, measures will...

Where the action is
A host of spectacular settings guarantee non-stop excitement Conference experts have long suggested that people have a maximum attention span of only ninety minutes, so if you want your delegates to remember what’s been said, it’s vital that you keep the sessions...

Your flexible friend
Business centres excel when it comes to flexibility, offering a modular service for excellent value and convenience. Businesses are changing at a faster rate than ever before. These days some small businesses are probably the smallest they’ve ever been - modern...